
Apartment Envy: FAD House

I don't know why architects are always naming things "_______ House". It's kindof strange & trendy, which are two things I always like. 

I cannot get enough of this house, I am having a ton of trouble deciding which pictures to post. Then I realized that it's my blog & I can do whatever the hell I want so I am about to bombard you with pictures whether you like it or not. 

I'm thinking this was definitely designed for a woman of the girlish sort, since pink is in almost every room. That and it is stinking gorgeous. FAD Design Group did an amazing job on this project. 

........ & Cue pretty pictures.  (You can click on the smaller ones to enlarge them)

^^ This is probably the most impressive shot of the whole set ^^


You can thank British Colombia, Canada for the view. After you wipe that drool from your chin, please. 

Can we focus for just a second on this lighting? I cannot imagine what it would cost in electricity to light this place for a month.


^^ This work space would make me so happy, you have no idea. ^^


Don't even get me STARTED on this bathroom. I don't think I could ever say enough about how much I love it. 

All in all, I love how subtle its minimalism is. I'm pretty confident in saying that this house is sheer perfection. 

Via Home Dsgn

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